A God Who Can Speak
Event s agwcs poster

A God Who Can Speak

Organitzat per: Blue Book Theatre Company S.L.

Tinta Roja. Carrer de la Creu dels Molers 17 Veure mapa Tinta Roja. Carrer de la Creu dels Molers 17

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Detall de l'esdeveniment

Plot/Synopsis: A very imaginative Mohamed, who happens to be gay and Muslim, is in a big mess. Something’s very wrong as he can’t move his limbs nor can he hear anything. He starts recalling memories of his ex lover, who called him ‘mental’ at some point (why was that?), and his deaf brother, who taught him how to experience God through silence. We learn that Mohamed is from a country where his sexual orientation is considered illegal and immoral, and this, paired with detachment from his family, eventually led him to a tragic demise. ‘A God Who Can Speak’ is a dramatic piece with comedic interludes from Mr. Charon, the bored and frustrated otherworldly being who interacts with the audience, revealing to them that something happened to them as well, and he is supposed to help them now (he's not much bothered, though). But the audience is, instead, and much to Charon’s dismay, transported back and forth through time, until they will find out exactly what happened to them all, and to Mohamed, and most importantly, why.

Themes and style: ‘A god who can speak’ explores the intertwining of being LGBTQ+ and Muslim and also deaf and Muslim. One of its aim is to bring the audience to reflect upon healthy spirituality as opposed to fundamentalist religion. It tackles several ‘othering’ issues, such as homophobia, islamophobia, xenophobia and ableism. It also places a spotlight on mental health and the importance of a secular government and the welcoming of refugees in Western countries. It’s a semi-immersive solo show, a dramedy, with partial use of British Sign Language and with a pace varying between fast and funny all the way to calm and poetic, ranging from quick dialogues to intense monologues.

***get in touch for more info on the TWs




Solo show / One-man show, Semi-Immersive, Partial use of British Sign Language



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Opinions (2) 2 Opinions

Cristina Cretegny
Va assistir el 14/04/2024 OPINIÓ VERIFICADA
Va assistir el 14/04/2024 OPINIÓ VERIFICADA
One of the best performances that I've seen in Barcelona so far. 10/10!!
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