Buy tickets for Delirium Tremens + Trini Fox, in azpeitia | ticketrona, by Kulturaz Azpeitiko Kultur Kooperatiba

Delirium Tremens + Trini Fox

Sanagustin kulturgunea. Plaza nagusia - See map
Several dates -

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Online sales are closed.

For more information please contact the organizer.

The organizer's data is in the "Brought to you by" section.

Event details


Access policy

The promoter has not specified underage access policy. If you have any questions, please contact them directly.


Oso kintzierto ona. Aspaldiko graietara buelta ederra. Mila esker.
Nerea Attended on 4/01/2025
Beti bezala ona Delirium
Delirium ona bainan motza iruditu zitzaidan kontzertua.
Markel Perea Attended on 4/01/2025
Buena noche de rock
Trini fox me sorprendieron, 3 de los temas que tocaron me.gustaron bastante y en cuanto a Delirium que vamos a decir a estas alturas,los 4 perfectos sobre todo el bateria,son excelentes músicos.
Jose Attended on 4/01/2025
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