Buy tickets for Ekain Pailazoa, in azpeitia | ticketrona, by Kulturaz Azpeitiko Kultur Kooperatiba

Ekain Pailazoa

Soreasu auzoa. soreasu auzoa - See map
Several dates -

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Online sales are closed.

For more information please contact the organizer.

The organizer's data is in the "Brought to you by" section.

Event details


Access policy

The promoter has not specified underage access policy. If you have any questions, please contact them directly.


Ikuskizun aparta! Oso gomendagarria!
Ander Attended on 16/02/2025
Gomendagarria oso!
Ordu bete pasako ikuskizun xumea, zaindua eta polita. Etxeko txikiak oso ondo pasa zuten. Zailtasun handiko numeroak egiten ditu.
Jon Attended on 16/02/2025
Arlote baten magia!
Ederra benetan ekain. Jarraitu dezazula ola, gizarteari eragiten eta ume zein helduei barne ume txiki hori ateratzen. Eskerrik asko. Hurrengoan berriz.
Iñigo Attended on 16/02/2025
Ekain Txou
Artista ederra
Felipe Attended on 16/02/2025
Muy bueno
Muy bueno
Amaia Attended on 16/02/2025
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