Erosi sarrerak Queer Me Out! LGBTQIA+ Improv Jam • ENG, Barcelona | ticketrona, BIG Improv-ren eskutik

Queer Me Out! LGBTQIA+ Improv Jam • ENG

BIG IMPROV. Calle Comte Borrell 143 - Mapa ikusi
2025/03/8 22:00
Antolatzailea BIG Improv

Zure sarrerak erosi

General Tickets

4,90 €
Thank you for understanding that we (just like larger theatres, cinemas, festivals, etc.) cannot offer refunds. You may of course gift or on-sell your tickets to a friend or family member! The bar opens at 9:30pm and the jam starts promptly at 10:00pm. Last entry to the theatre is at 10:15pm and in case of arrival after this time, tickets will be forfeited. Queer Me Out an LGBTQIA+ only space! If that's not you - sit this one out!
0,00 €
Gestio gastuak:
0,00 €
0,00 €
0,00 €

Ekitaldiaren deskribapena

*This event is in English*

Hey! Queer me out:

How about a safe space for our LGBTQIA+ community to chat, play and enjoy improv? A space where we get to be whoever we want on stage and do it in whatever way we want? This is what Queer Me Out is all about.

Part jam, part hangout, we lead the way, you show up and watch and/or play! 

Queer Me Out an LGBTQIA+ only space! If that's not you - sit this one out!

9:30pm Doors & Bar Open - let's chat

10:00pm Jam Starts - let's play!


5€ booking online

7€ on the door

30% discount for current students of BIG!

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