Yorick Does Ophelia deserve to die?
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Yorick Does Ophelia deserve to die?

Organizado por: Teatro Metamorfosis

TEATRO METAMORFOSIS . Carrer de Tapioles, 12 Ver mapa TEATRO METAMORFOSIS . Carrer de Tapioles, 12

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Detalle del evento

Does Ophelia deserve to die?
Yorick is one of the characters in William Shakespeare's Hamlet, more specifically the king's jester, who in the play appears already dead, in the form of a skull, and evokes freedom. The jester always tells the truth, he is allowed to say what no one dares to say and, with laughter and irony, reaches the heart of those who listen attentively.
This is a free adaptation from this character.
In this proposal, Yorick-woman rebels against the old ways that do not bring any change, laughs at the eternal wait in which we fell without ever leaving the place and invites to kill in cold blood the too good Ophelia that we carry inside. She defends that this no longer serves us, but we continue dragging her out of sorrow to drop the mask we wear and encourages us to be more honest with ourselves. In the end, it invites us to a ritual to dynamite the old roads and to be able to request, finally, Love as a matter of urgency.

door entry €15

Created and directed by
Andreia Moreira

English version.
Come and live the EXPERIENCE
Ilusion Maya

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